Friday, July 16, 2010

Comics this week

The Thanos Imperative #2- After a so-so first issue, Thanos Imperative truly starts here! Writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning give no doubts that this is THE cosmic crossover that will slaughter all that came before it. I dare anyone who sees that page when Galactus first showed up and tell me otherwise. However Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning didn’t forget the smaller players in the cosmic war. The Guardians of the Galaxy were also showed with Thanos on their stealth mission in the Cancerverse. As you can tell, this issue is fantastic! A lot of it has to do with the art. It was bad in #1 but here Miguel Sepulveda showed why he was chosen to be the artist to spearhead the cosmic line. The pencil is clean, giving energy to the action. And when the crazy Galactus Engine showed up in the end, WOW! Sepulveda outdid himself on that page. Brilliant!

X-Men: Second Coming #2- "Second Coming" was designed by Marvel to give a boost to the X-Books. In this, I will say it works because for once in a long, long time, I am now actually excited by the X-Men. The issue is filled with great character moments. The scene where Hope fell clutching the broken arm of Cable was the greatest but there were others. Storm and Wolverine sharing the beer for the last time, Cyclops’ sorrow when Beast left, Magneto becoming a potential second father figure to Hope and putting Hellion in his place; all were great. The only thing I dislike about this epilogue is the Phoenix. The potential revival of the Phoenix is a bad, bad idea. The Phoenix, aka Jean Grey, is dead and gone. She is in the past; "Second Coming" is for the future, and it would be better if the X-Books move on. All in all, I can honestly say that "Second Coming" was one of the strongest X-crossover in history and it came just at the right time for the X-Men.

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