Wednesday, June 20, 2012

NDP Songs

National Day is almost upon us and of course Singaporeans will get to hear our latest national song. It’s traditional for the organizers of the National Day Parade (NDP) to have someone write a national day song for the whole nation to sing along.

It’s a cheesy tradition but it’s a tradition Singaporeans go along with (like it or not). However, for the past few years our national songs have being god damm awful. I mean making fun of our NDP songs is a pastime here but the songs for the past few years have truly been bad. Last year we had “The Fun Pack Song” which had the “honor” of being one of the worst ever; this year’s NDP 2012 song “A Nation's March” is not much better.

Following this trend of terrible NDP songs, I have to give my take on why this is the case. The organizers of the NDP are trying too hard to make the NDP songs fun, cool and relevant. They forgotten that fact that NDP songs are not supposed to be fun, cool and relevant. NDP songs are supposed to be cheesy!

I’m serious. It’s a NDP song! The best NDP songs like “Count on me Singapore” and “Stand up for Singapore” are super cheesy and anyone caught singing these songs outside National Day would be mocked endlessly. The singers will die of embarrassment!

Yet those songs worked! NDP songs are supposed to lift spirits and as long as they do that, they work. Yes, the songs are supercheese but they are without question better than the embarrassment that is “The Fun Pack Song”. So here's my advice to the NDP organizers; Forgot about being fun and cool; bring back the cheese!


Anonymous said...

Leave it to the army and they will screw up big time.

Ghost said...

Actually outside the actual NDP parade, most of stuff are managed by civilians.