Monday, October 1, 2012

Safe Driving

Last week I met up with an old friend of mine who is taking his driving test right now. As I got my license over 15 years ago in the army, I was interested to know what he was doing. Personally, I think I was interested in what is being taught now and how different it is from when I got my license.
Generally, I found that it’s mostly the same. Theory, test, then practical. Not a whole lot of difference really. What is different is the safety lessons they give now. Driving lessons always has a safety section but now they are teaching new drivers about ABS, airbags and how safe they will be even when in an accident.
Frankly, I think that’s too much information. New drivers usually drive faster than older drivers and frankly I don’t think it’s such a good idea to tell them how safe they will be even if they crash the car. Yes, of course there are safety features in the car. Everyone knows that but logically speaking, wouldn’t drivers drive more slowly (and safely) if they think they are going to die if they crash?
The aim of the safety lessons is to get new drivers to drive safe. Frankly I think giving new drivers so much info about airbags is counterproductive.   

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