Saturday, August 25, 2007

A "V" bonus?

In another show of how unsuccessful and unpopular the CPF changes are, the Singapore government now wants to encourage Singaporeans to voluntarily delay the draw-down of their CPF Minimum Sum by throwing in a sweetener.

Manpower Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen annoounced that Singaporeans will get a "V Bonus" - that is "V" for Voluntary - for each year they defer their draw-down. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had earlier said that Singaporeans would get a one-off D Bonus, if they defer their CPF Minimum Sum draw-down age, to beyond 62. A one-two punch if you will.

Will this apleased Singaporeans and rid them of their angry? I don't think so but hey, it's better than nothing! Keep it coming!


Hachiko Monogatari said...

Politicians are apt at playing the alphabet games, just enough to confuse and possibly misled the masses.

Maybe they should add a few more bonuses to make the word complete:

D - delay (1)
e - extension (3)
V - voluntary (2)
i - indefinite (5)
l - late (4)

The numbers indicate the order of implementation to ensure that CPF owners do not get to see their monies in their lifetime.

How's that for the alphabet soup?

Ghost said...

True but if the alphabet soup keep giving people money, it'll worked. Who will say no to extra money?