Saturday, May 29, 2010

Comics this week

Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1- Thanos Imperative is the latest Marvel cosmic crossover from Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. As a prologue to the main series, Ignition has the thankless job of introducing new readers to what the main series is about. The cast of Thanos Imperative is huge; everyone who is anyone in the cosmic scene has a role here. Thanos, Nova, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Magus etc; they are all here. Everything is by the book and standard stuff…then the main villain show up and blows everything out of the water! It was one of those beautiful moments that came out of left field but at the same time made so much sense that you can’t help but be excited about Thanos Imperative. Beautiful!

X-Force #27- I said in my previous review of X-Force that I’m not a fan of the photo-realistic style of Mike Choi and this issue showed why. As an artist, Choi do great work. He has a style that gives you stunning images but I feel it is unsuitable for comics. Comics require images that tell a story and Choi’s style (good as it is) does not do that. In the first part of this issue, there were no captions and Mike Choi’s art is given free reign to convey the ensuing battle between the X-Men and Bastion's Nimrods. Each panel is beautiful on its own, but the battle was a confusing mess. How did Hellion lost his hands? One moment Iceman was destroying a Nimrod, the next he is on fire. Beautiful picture but it didn’t tell us what happened. That is disappointing because the story this issue was very good. Cyclop's plan to stop the Nimrods basically requires him to sacrifice the whole X-Force along with Cyber and Cable. The sent-off was emotional as Cyclop knowledge that this was a suicide mission. Good story in a good issue but the first part was poor.

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